Get Help With Female Urinary Incontinence Singapore

Get Help With Female Urinary Incontinence Singapore

This condition is characterized by the inability to control one’s bladder while having an accident. Urinary incontinence may affect everyone, but women are twice as likely as men to suffer from it. Learn more about urinary incontinence singapore in this article.

Stress urinary incontinence may be exacerbated by activities that generate pressure inside the abdominal cavity, such as coughing, sneezing, or laughing. Because of weak pelvic floor muscles and a lower bladder, this occurs. The medical issue known as stress urinary incontinence is prevalent, but it may be managed. If physiotherapy does not work, surgery may be an option.

A frequent and urgent need for urination is the hallmark of urge incontinence. Females who suffer from urge incontinence may wake up often throughout the night to urinate. These illnesses and other neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s disease and spinal damage, may cause incontinence.

Urinary Incontinence in Females: The Factors Affecting It

urinary incontinence singapore

Women are more likely than males to suffer from urine incontinence during and after pregnancy, delivery, and menopause. During pregnancy, the female body undergoes different kinds of changes. Stress incontinence may be brought on by an expanding baby’s weight and increased strain on the abdominal cavity. The pelvic muscles are put under a lot of stress during childbirth, particularly if it is a vaginal delivery, and hormonal changes after menopause may also affect bladder control.

Other causes of female urine incontinence include obesity and the intake of certain foods, beverages, or drugs. In Singapore, women with urinary incontinence may get effective treatment.

The physiotherapists can assist you in dealing with your urine incontinence in a variety of ways, depending on your specific needs. Options for treatment include. For bladder control, your physiotherapist will instruct you in kegel and muscle strength exercises that you may do at home. You may be asked to do these exercises at home as part of your treatment plan.

Pelvic floor muscles are strengthened with electrical currents in this treatment. This can be a good option if pelvic floor muscles aren’t having the desired impact. To learn about your treatment options for urine incontinence, contact the physiotherapists of Rapid Physiocare today. These illnesses and other neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s disease and spinal damage, may cause incontinence. Moreover, the pelvic muscles are put under a lot of stress during childbirth, particularly if it is a vaginal delivery, and hormonal changes after menopause may also affect bladder control.